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What am I to do with my life?

As the holidays have come to an end, a new season starts and the events of our days are unexpected. Have you ever questioned why we can not see ahead of time? We can plan appointments, daily goals, or expected outcomes of events, but we can never pinpoint exactly when a child will laugh, a bill collector will call, or a friend will need help carrying in groceries. Or how about our calling? It seems that although we may want to know what our 'calling' is, what we think God may 'want' us to do, we give this so much thought, but as His child, we end up there anyway as we follow Him. Where are we going? Is it with Him? Is He coming with us, or do we go with Him?

If we position our hearts to receive all of the good things he has for us, we will have the good things He has for us. We are in 'His will' as we follow Him. His will is for us to love Him, manifest Him, no matter where we go, or where we 'work,' or not work. He is a good father because He has our best interest at heart. His gift to us is that we do not see too far ahead. This life is a journey, not a race. His plans are greater than ours and it is an honor to be written in His datebook. : )

Be blessed as you trust God for the plans for your future.

...He LOVES you...

Amen. : )

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