Hiding Under a Bushell
It's been a long time since I've posted in this blog. Too long in fact. I've recently just received a great deal of healing and my heart...
Walking out Sonship
Stewarding who we are in Christ is something we have to actually be intentional with. We have to address it with diligence and...
Do you see what I see?
What is it that Jesus came to do FOR us? Did He come just to throw a life-preserver into the lake of fire? Did He come just so we could...
S.O.A.P. : Living above the BOX of Limitations
Knowing who we are, to the core of who we were created to be, and operating from that very specific perspective, is the most freeing and...
What am I to do with my life?
As the holidays have come to an end, a new season starts and the events of our days are unexpected. Have you ever questioned why we can...
Rosh Hashanah, It's all about perspective.
We all come to a place, a fork in the road. A place of decision framing our futures and ourselves, usually with lingering thoughts of...
Soapbox Ministries / New Beginnings
It's funny how God uses all of the seemingly unconnected, out-of-joint, segments of an unrealized life and brings about a purpose more invol